Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2012

Croix-Rouge suisse

or Croce Rossa Svizzera, or Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz or Swiss Red Cross.. is one of the things in my To Do List nowadays. 

In 1993, I left West Berlin for the Schwesternschule der Universität Heidelberg  and now, I realized that it was the best decision I have ever made then. I wanted to be independent and to secure my source of living, and after several years, time is telling me that......

it is never too late to find a way so as to change one's life.

In this place, I wish to thank Frau Stallmann, Nursing School Directress in Humboldt University in West Berlin in 1993, for giving me the chance to study Nursing in Germany. Indeed, the step changed my life.  

I am writing this because I am in the process of getting the recognition for my German Nursing School Certificate from the Swiss Red Cross. It will pave the way for me to work in the European Union countries and also for Switzerland and I want to inspire my fellow Filipinas and other Asian women, aspiring to get a profession in Europe, to grab their opportunities to get a Diploma in a foreign country.

Sure it is not easy but it is possible.

May the force be with you, dear readers!