Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2019

The First Message of 2019

"The care and sensitivity you show to others will be returned to you" - was the message of my first Fortune Cookie I opened last Tuesday, January 01, 2019.

I do expect nothing for my past deeds in return. I rather live frugally on surprise.

But on second thought, why not? Returns would not be bad, and I can pay it forward. I would need it for a project I want to start on and push through for a needy family in Quirangay, Camalig, Albay this 2019.

To my mind, I have to try because I know that I am the only hope of Margie, a deserving student, who is forced to give up her college classes to take care of her mentally-ill mother.  An additional burden of being harrassed by her landlord makes her daily life more difficult to live.  

I have to lend a hand. I am lucky enough to be in Germany. Here I have some friends who could also extend help. I just need to say a word.

The urge to help is persistent.