Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2012

Everything Differs Now...

Several months ago, I did not know where to begin and what to do with my life. Family and friends encouraged me to go on and not to give up, and am thankful they did.

I am glad, am still alive, and I wish that I can live longer.... 

As my mother died last November 2011, I was down and I thought life has no meaning at all but now I realized what she meant as we last talked with each other. "Be happy", she said. "Think only of the beautiful side of life. Forget the past."

Thank you, Mama! The first month of May without you and am feeling down and lonely right now but it does not mean that I am not happy. I want you to know, wherever you are, that I am feeling better than ever before.

Everything is different now...

Life is only a matter of a perspective....