Dienstag, 24. April 2012

Good morning, Germany and...

Switzerland, good morning, World!

The happiness continues and the excitement, too! Less another night until Friday, the 27th of April 2012. I am making a big change in my life and for the first time, I do not have fears at all. That, I think, is a very good sign.

Yesterday brought good moods. It was a warm, sunny day. Am I glad I spent some time with Nora. I missed to see her for almost four days and we have both finished our paintings. I wish I can paint as good as she does. She worked for almost two months on her piece. I am that very proud of her Artworks. I am proud that she is my friend.

Ich habe versucht, eine Hexenlandschaft zu malen aber die Zeit war kurz und konnte meine Ideen nicht durchsetzen. Ich habe trotzdem gemalt und bin auch mit dem Ergebnis zufrieden.
Be happy today, take care of yourself, wherever and who you are!

Spread the joy. Smile and have a hearty laugh whenever you can.

Ingat lagi!