Sonntag, 29. April 2012

Mary Jean's Apfelstrudel

Mary Jean und Manfred haben heute Apfelstrudel gebacken, und ich war nicht dort!

Aber ich habe Etwas Besseres im Sinn und zwar das hier!

Enjoy your Apfelstrudel.

Unheimliche Begegnung der dritten Art....

The Winterthur journey is now in the history.

It took me almost four hours from Munich to Winterthur. I enjoyed the Eurocity Train ride. The beautiful scenery, friendly co-passengers and the Internet connection made the trip enjoyable. I was nervous, yes, but I was certain that H.P.P. is waiting for me. He promised that he would wait for me.

The train stopped in St. Gallen and the voice over the microphone explained that our arrival in Winterthur will be thirteen minutes as scheduled. It worried me a bit but I hope that H.P.P. will get the information.

At exactly 20:28 on April 27, 2012, a Friday, I got off the train, looked around and there he was, some few meters away from me and finally, we met personally.

Sorry, folks! I would not go on details because the rest is our privacy but I can assure you that I am in good hands and am feeling very happy right now.

To travel to Winterthur, Switzerland, was the right decision.

Have a good day and take care of yourselves. Thank you for reading Katzenmomente.

Freitag, 27. April 2012


Countdown starts....

while am enjoying Latte Macchiato inside Coffee Fellows at the Munich Central Train Station.

My train will leave at 16:33 in an EuroCity 192 at Rail No. 23. Yes, two hours of waiting but I wanted it this way, so I can calm me down. I am feeling a bit sleepy because I hardly had a sleep last night but I think it was just normal.

In less than six hours, I will be meeting somebody with whom I have been talking to for several hours in the evening since April 10, 2012. I have to know who is this soul sharing with me his personal insights, thoughts and laughters.

It is a very unique experience to hear the soft-spoken yet exciting voice of my favorite live football commentator  every time FC Bayern Munich plays and wins. I would not want to miss another  "live-ticker of FC Bayern Munich Game"at all.

There should be a reason why I decided to travel to Winterthur. There must be.

Take care everyone. Thanks for reading my blog.

Winterthur Waiting....

Today is the day for "Finding Happiness".

I want to know if my instinct is right. I am breaking my own rules but I think that there is something out there for me to discover and I trust my heart that Winterthur is the right destination.

I feel blessed despite of the mishaps in the past. Yesterday was not a good day and am I glad that I have now somebody with whom I can talk to and he seems interested on my well-being. I am sure we both deserve each other.

I will not miss the train to Winterthur, Switzerland!

Donnerstag, 26. April 2012

Everything goes.....

Kastanienbäume werden bis zu 25m hoch.
Ein Kastanienblatt hat 5-7 "Finger"
Die Blüten der Rosskastanie sind weiß mit Rosa.
Die Kastanien kamen ursprünglich aus Asien.
Die essbaren Kastanien heissen Maroni.

Blocksberg, Abraxas, Walpurgisnacht, Hexenbesen........

genau! "Die kleine Hexe", ein Kinderbuch von Otfried Preußler vom Jahre 1957.
I am getting a copy of this book.

Leporello ist ein Faltbuch mit Bildern, Zeichnungen, etc. aber nicht zu verwechseln mit Liberello,
ein kleines Buchlein.

Congratulations to FC Bayern München for winning against Real Madrid last night

 Finale! And I am longing for another exciting "Footballnight". 

Spread happiness and enjoy your day everyone. Thanks for reading my blog!

Mittwoch, 25. April 2012

Visiting San Fernando

My sisters Gina and Myla with Eugene, Regine, Nianne and Kristel are visiting the vacation house in San Fernando, La Union. Eugene and Regine took their college entrance examinations today and they deserve some days of vacation in La Union. I wish you all enjoyment and have a safe trip to Eufrosina Heights.

Thank you in advance for the pledge of general cleaning of the house and garden. Enjoy your stay. Please feel free to use all the amenities. Enjoy the beach of San Fernando! How I wish I could be there with you I hope to see you all in December 2012. ( Hope to get some holidays from work and wishing together with H.P.P.)

April Love

Dedicated to all people who have just found their love....

by: Barbara Streisand & Paul Williams

"Love at first sight is possible"  (B. Streisand)


Love soft as an easy chair
Love fresh as the morning air
One love that is shared by two
I have found with you

Like a rose under the April snow
I was always certain love would grow
Love ageless and evergreen
Seldom seen by two

You and I will make each night a first
Everyday a beginning
Spirits rise and their dance is unrehearsed
They warm and excite us, cause we have the brightest love

Two lives that shine as one
Morning glory and the midnight sun
Time we've learned to sail above
Time won't change the meaning of one love
Ageless and ever, evergreen.

Smiling Last Night....

and still smiling today!

Guten Morgen aus München-Haidhausen!

Nur noch zwei Nächte und ich muss mein Zimmer hier in Haidhausen abgeben. Zum 1. Mai gehöre ich in der Aschheimer Gemeinde in Landkreis München. Ich freue mich sehr, auf meinem neuen Arbeitsplatz. Bitte siehe auch Standort Aschheim. Die Messestadt München ist nur 10 Minuten mit dem Bus zu erreichen. Die Riem Passagen bieten zahreiche Einkaufsmöglichkeiten und sind nicht so voll mit Menschen als in der Innenstadt.

Was noch wichtiger ist, dass ich dort gut atmen kann. Dafür musste ich sechs Einstellungsangebote in der Innenstadt München absagen. Ich habe mich für die kleine, ruhigere Gemeinde entschieden und ich habe ein gutes Gefühl, dass ich dort mich wohlfühlen werde.

Last night was another good night. Two more days and I will be travelling to Winterthur. Whew! I am getting nervous but I know things will go just right.

Have a good, smiling day everyone in this planet.

Dienstag, 24. April 2012

Good morning, Germany and...

Switzerland, good morning, World!

The happiness continues and the excitement, too! Less another night until Friday, the 27th of April 2012. I am making a big change in my life and for the first time, I do not have fears at all. That, I think, is a very good sign.

Yesterday brought good moods. It was a warm, sunny day. Am I glad I spent some time with Nora. I missed to see her for almost four days and we have both finished our paintings. I wish I can paint as good as she does. She worked for almost two months on her piece. I am that very proud of her Artworks. I am proud that she is my friend.

Ich habe versucht, eine Hexenlandschaft zu malen aber die Zeit war kurz und konnte meine Ideen nicht durchsetzen. Ich habe trotzdem gemalt und bin auch mit dem Ergebnis zufrieden.
Be happy today, take care of yourself, wherever and who you are!

Spread the joy. Smile and have a hearty laugh whenever you can.

Ingat lagi!

Montag, 23. April 2012

Ice Cream Calories

Do you know that a Cornetto Ice Cream Cone 97ml is equals to 200kcal?
That a Magnum Lolly 110ml has 275 kcal?

So next time, if you are needing a calorie boost, try to grab ice cream.

Ice cream is an  instant calorie-giver and the enjoyment eating it mostly counts !
Like Amy Gray from Judging Amy,  a former judge in Hartford, Connecticut, I like eating ice cream at midnight. It is for me a kind of Schlafmittel and sometimes a sort of  Stresskiller.

Or maybe, I just want to remember my favorite US TV actress Amy Brenneman every time I eat ice cream in the middle of the night.

Why am I asking "ice cream questions" at almost 03:00 am in the morning?

You are right. I need a Schlafmittel but there is no ice cream around. I am living in a Schwesternwohheim and I do not have a fridge to store ice cream at all.

I would have like to eat ice cream at midnight.

Good night everyone.

Sonntag, 22. April 2012

Trust your heart...

The "Olchis" are wishing me well and feeling happy about H.P.P.

Christa is very happy to know of my Switzerland journey.

Mary Jean, Manfred and Michelle are also glad that I am smiling again.

Gingging, Alice and Rudi are thinking of me.

Helga and Wallo are trusting me that I am making the right decisions.  

Nora and Alima said "go, why not?"

Jonathan said, "trust your heart, dear friend!"

The Petermanns said "Endlich!!!"

Everyone is wishing me a good trip to Winterthur and am happy about it!

A Day To Remember

Hearty Greek meal, hearty great laughters, hearty family...

Am I a very lucky person nowadays.....

Everything is doing well. Things are getting easier for me. Work, dwelling, friends, perhaps love and affection soon? 

Thank you, my dear friends. Salamat!!!  

Happy Birthday, Mara!

Good morning everyone!!!!

It is Mara's birthday today and I want to greet her here. I want the whole world to know how precious this friend to me is. I gained not only her as friend but also her whole family namely; Günter, Annamarie, Isolde, Dominik, Tobias, and Luzie - they are my second family here in Munich, Germany.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, liebe Mara! Ich wünsche Dir Gesundheit, Freude und noch mehr Glück auf dieser Welt. Ich danke Deine Eltern, dass Du da bist und meine liebe Freundin bist. Danke für Deine Freundschaft, die jetzt mehr als 12 Jahre sind. Danke sehr, meine liebe Mara.

Danke, dass ich bei Euch bin und darf miterleben, wie glücklich meine 2. Familie ist!

Der Tag kann beginnen!!!

A heartful smile to everyone, directly from Mel.....

Lemon Tree

Yesterday, I did my morning gymnastics to the tunes of "The Lemon Tree" and I remember some words that suit my mood and thoughts this morning. It says:

"Isolation is not good for me,
Isolation I don't want to sit on the lemon tree
I'm steppin' down in the desert of joy
Baby anyhow I'll get another toy
And everything will happen and you wonder

I wonder how, I wonder why
Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue, blue sky
And all that I can see ist just another lemon tree..."

Nicht mehr lange. Nur noch fünfmal schlafen...und ist bald Weihnachten!!!

Mara is having her birthday today and am sure the whole family will again have a bunchful of memories as any day when we are together.

To my second family in Germany, thank you for all the joy and support you have been giving me.

Thank you, dear Mara and to all the members of the "Olchis", for more than twelve years of friendship.

I am proud I became an adopted member of this happy family.

Samstag, 21. April 2012

Waiting for the BIG Bang!

The Empire State Building is ready for the Big Bang on Friday.

Die Koffer sind gepackt und die Reise kann beginnen. Es ist nicht mehr die "Suche" sondern
das Finden beginnt.....

Salamat, H.P.P.

Dedicated to H.P.P.


Songwriters: Bainbridge, Adam
Singer: Barbara Streisand

People who need people
Are the luckiest people in the world
Were children needing children
And yet  letting our grown-up pride
Hide all the need inside
Acting more like children than children

Are very special people
They are the luckiest people in the world
With one person
One very special person
A feeling deep in your soul
Says you are half now you are whole
No more hunger and thirst
But first be a person who needs people
Are the luckiest people in the world

Freitag, 20. April 2012


Pumpernickel mit Nutella Brotaufstrich! Was gibt es sonst Schöneres und Leckeres zum Frühstück, Mittag und Abendbrot???

Yesterday I was not able to visit Nora but I saw Jonathan and Halima. Jonathan is having his 14 days holidays and he is happy about it. He will stay with his father. We promised that we will keep in touch via email and skype, whenever possible, and to read our blogs. Halima got rid of her allergy and was in good mood. I like this young girl from Togo. I know she would cope up with her current situations and I wish both goodluck. These young people deserve to find their places under the sun.

I am sorry about Nora but I know I can visit her soon. I will be transferring to a new flat and my visits will not be frequent but I promised her that whenever I have time, mostly after early duty shifts, I will come to see her. I want to take care of our friendships. I know that this young woman needs it very badly and we understand each other and this friendship should last.

By the way, I am writing another book ( ha ha ha ) the first two books aren't finished until now and I have been writing them since ten years ago. So what? J.R.R. Tolkien needed more than fifty years
for the Lord of the Rings, if you would please accept that as an excuse.

Whatever! I am inspired and I am writing again. I need the long lost practice. I cannot exactly find the words and I resist to using the Thesaurus. The words should be written spontaneously so that the thoughts and  feelings can be expressed as they come to my mind.

I am still hanging for several hours over the phone, yes and from day to day, the excitement grows.
Stichwort: Destination: Winterthur. It is about finding love and happiness. It is worth the quest. 
I know that it is.

Have a good day everyone. Be happy. Carpe diem.

Donnerstag, 19. April 2012

When I fall in love...

it will be forever....

I am  greeting every alien on this planet "Moin, Moin!"

Yesterday I read again the book "Der Wunschfänger-Engel" written by Bärbel Mohr and Dieter M. Hörner. It is a children`'s book given to me by Mara and Günter, my second family here in Munich, Germany.

I got the book as a "mind opener" the first week of March 2012 and three weeks after, I started to do things to make my dreams come true. To my surprise, things are now happening and my wishes seem to be delivered.

The book gives simple messages good for children and adults alike. Try the read. "Es lohnt sich"  

Mittwoch, 18. April 2012

Goodluck, Regine and Eugene!

Regine and Eugene are taking up the College Entrance Examinations on April 25, 2012.

We wish you both all the luck! Go for your dreams! Make it to college, guys!

Enjoy your vacation with Myla and Nianne in San Fernando, La Union.
Take care!

From Mel, Keno,TJ, Mary, Celine, Ate Cora and Kuya Gerd

Emotion Pure!

How lovely of H.P.P. to show me his terrace view and sunset in Switzerland via a video call!

For the first time, we have seen each other "live" and there were bunch of emotions who came up inside me and I couldn't see directly in his eyes. Silly, but I felt that he was in the room and there was no escape for me at all! I was nervous that I was trembling, a bunch of feelings I did not even experience before. Crazy.

What is happening? Egal. I am just happy and nervous, that is all.   

Oh my goodness!! I just hope that I would manage to stay calm when I get off the train in Winterthur.  

To my soulmate H.P.P.

My heartfelt gratitude for the precious time you have shared and you are sharing with me chatting and talking over the telephone. I learn a lot from you. Sooner, I will be a computer expert........joke, not only but more than that I am sure (smiling mischievously).

You have changed my life and attitude. I rediscovered happiness and can smile again.

I have lost my "Lebensfreude" for a very long time and I am very thankful that you came into my life. Through you, I have found my happiness again. 

You are dear to me, and will be part of my life, whatever may happen in the future. 

Dienstag, 17. April 2012

Destination: Winterthur

The final countdown....

I was at the Swiss Consulate in Munich today and I was surprised that I do not even need a visum to Switzerland for I have my residence and work permit here in Germany. The lady over the counter said that I can enter the country with a valid plane or train return ticket. I went directly to the Munich Hauptbahnhof and bought my ticket to Winterthur. It was a lucky and a happy day!

This scares me a bit though. Everything so easy now? I am not used to such situation. Normally, I encounter a lot of hassles before getting something I need.

Is this a good sign? I think I would rather prefer to nurse the aged and sick people of Switzerland!

First things first. Slowly. Step by step. Do not rush. If love can stand the tests of time, the rest is just a piece of a puzzle.

It is, indeed, a wonderful feeling.


Au Weia!!!! It is indeed happening.

Two souls longing for happiness met at a certain point and time. They are far away from each other but distance is not a hindrance to feel happiness having each other, talking freely, laughing and sharing jokes with each other. Just amazing!

Begin where you are. Treasure the moments. Reciprocate love. No expectations. Just let things happen.

Nora, Jonathan and Alima

Today was a bad day for Nora and I felt helpless seeing her bear the muscle pains.

She managed though to give me a smile and we talked about my plans on travelling to Winterthur, Switzerland. Despite her agony, she showed concern on my safety. She gave me an advice so as not to put myself in danger. Nora has nothing against my spontaneous decision. She wants me to live my life to the fullest. She said go "find your happiness but come back safe".

Jonathan, a young man who has a unique and amazing talent on writing and sketching, gave me his blogsite named "beyond the lines". For the first time, I read about the tragic incidents in his life. Amazing how he writes and how courageous he is to express his thoughts and feelings. I wish him a speedy recovery and I hope he would use his talents in the future. I am keeping my finger crossed that he would be able to battle the struggles of his own.

To Alima, the young woman from Togo, who is at this time having her problem with an unknown cause of allergy, I wish her well, too!

Montag, 16. April 2012

Have faith in your heart!

When you wish, wish it from the bottom of your heart.

When you want happiness, you have to work hard for it. Never look back. Trust and have faith in your dreams. Follow the heartbeat. Only then you will know, that your wish has come true.

"No risk, no fun", words uttered by my soulmate and I am taking the challenge.

In less than two weeks, I will know. It is worth the risk. The answer can be yes or no but at least, I can say, "I tried".

But honestly, am nervous, am getting cold feet.....

Sonntag, 15. April 2012

What a feeling!

A big WOW!

Last night I have talked to my soulmate H.P.P. over the phone for the first time. I was so nervous but he managed to calm me down. My goodness! A bunch of new feelings I have experienced for the first time. I think I am in love!

I treasure the moments. I feel happy and I guess I am making someone happy, too! 

Samstag, 14. April 2012

Getting to Know Nora

I met Nora the first week of March, 2012, and I when I saw her, I felt a deep sympathy and we have developed a mutual affection towards each other. I like her and she likes me, too. We are both crazy but that is what binds us together. We have learned to accept each other, sometimes with words and sometimes without.

I admire this woman. She is intelligent and she inspires me in a peculiar way. I am grateful that I met her. She is full of energy. I learn a lot from Nora. She is becoming a very dear friend to me. It is not easy but there is a deep friendship between us and I know it will last.

Nora brights up my life and makes me remember that every single day is worth living for. In each day, there is always a bunch of laughters. We have just to be crazy, that is all.


I am inspired. I am blogging again. I think I am in love again.

Ich kann es einfach nicht glauben. I just could not believe it, that a person can fall in love without seeing him or her in person. Is it only fantasy or there is more than behind it?

I am happy and that is the most important at the moment. I have never felt like this before. It is a good feeling.

After a long sleep, I am again awakened. Life is beautiful and it pays to live and savour every moment of it.

Love is reciprocated. I think. I believe. I hope and I dream.  

Sonntag, 8. April 2012

Woman Interrupted

I miss the cats but I know they are good predators and they will survive.

I am back to normal life. I am willing to face the challenges of time.

Thank you, dear friends.