Samstag, 23. Januar 2010

Three's Company

Cats with same feathers get together.. ha ha ha!
A window bed extra made for us. From here we have a 360° view
of the neighborhood. 

Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2010

Our House

This is our house. That is our "Mother" Mel...

Do not dare...

...disturb me when I am daydreaming?! 


Guten Tag! I am Dalmatino. Tino for short. I am with Putol in Legazpi.
We both survived the wrath of Mayon Volcano, Reming and Milenyo typhoons.
We are still Mel's family.

I am Putol

Hallo! Ich bin Putol. Ich spreche nur Deutsch...
I am one of Mel's cats in Legazpi, Albay, left behind as she left for La Union.
I survived Milenyo and Reming typhoons and I am proud of that.
Now I live with Mel's Aunt Nerly. They are also good to me.

Katze pampering Einstein and Purzel

 I am a male cat - do not forget that! 

Manicure and Pedicure

Here I am enjoying my monthly pedicure and manicure.

My basket

"It is the same old basket. Mel, surely, has washed it too hot that it shrunk!"  

Katze's Ball

My fave hobby - when I was 8 weeks old.

Beauty Sleep

"shhh... am having my Siesta... 

Dienstag, 19. Januar 2010

Time allows us to cherish the moments and the things around us.
Take time to enjoy things that really matter.

Tale of the two tails Part II

Each soul that enters our life, each spirit that accompanies us
upon our journey
leaves us forever changed and enriched.

Rainbow Shower

Katze and Purzel enjoying a rainbow shower. Lucky ones! 

A Rainbow comes along

Braunie with rainbow sparks...

From Above

Hallo! I am Purzel. As you can see, I love the heights.

Mel said: "From above, you see a different perspective and you also think different."

I am trying.

The Tale of the Tails

Einstein has a longer tail, at least a pair of centimeters.Not so easy, huh?

Purzel is the one with a rounded tail (lying on the ground). Anyway, they vary on their attitudes. Einstein is aloof. He does not want to be carried or be embraced. Purzel is the tricky one. He is slimy. He does everything to get a piece of Tuna from Mel!

Hab' Dich zum Beissen gern...

This is Purzel biting my ear. Whew! What for a cat! Mel said, I should be tolerant because they are still young. I cannot remember though, that I bit Mel's ear when I was young....

Purzel has exactly the same fur color as Einstein but they can be recognized by looking at their tails. Purzel has a shorter one.  

Hold me tight!

Einstein and Purzel embracing each other in their cage. Mel changed her residence and she has to "torture" us for twenty minutes inside this cage. We were nervous and frightened!

My family

I love Einstein and Purzel. They are both male like me but I tried my best to pamper them. It hurts though, when they tried to suck milk from me.  

The Twins

Einstein and Purzel during Siesta.


                  Katzenmutti - the Mother Cat, who gave birth to Adidas, Blacky and Phantom of the Opera.

The Other Two

Blacky and "Phantom of the Opera" - brother cats to Adidas. Sadly, gone after six (6) weeks. Somebody took them away and the week-long search for them was not successful.

Me and Plus Two

So now, do not be confused. I am Adidas, the cat.
It happened that my mother, a stray cat, gave birth to three kittens in front Katze's house. I came last. I was tagged as cat No. 8. I understand that Katze is still the No. 1 in Mel and Achim's house. Here I was just testing Katze's Siesta bed.... 

Neutral Zone

Einstein and Purzel can have my bed. A bit small for me nowadays...

New Members of the Family

After three (3) years of being alone with Mel and Achim, came Einstein and Purzel. Achim found them (again!) in the garbage and again, thinking of his Karma, took them home. Mel just said: "Oh, nein!"

But they stayed, still.    

Head to Toe

"Ach, do not worry, am just stretching...."

Sitting Cat

"Can somebody turn on the television, please?...." 
Sometimes, I think about life and living. How precious time is, and that in a wink of an eye, things can change and happen. What comes next, I do not worry. I just enjoy the moment....

Montag, 18. Januar 2010

My Philippine Jeep!

This is a Philippine private Jeep with a Toyota 1.8l four cylinder motor. Maximum speed 130km per hour.


I am Braunie, Katze's friend. I am a stray cat. I lost my mother when I was six months old but I do not feel alone. There are a lots of cats in the neighborhood. Katze's family is fond of me. They feed me, and they let me sleep in their house and garden during the day. At night, I stroll around. Unlike Katze, I am not neutered, so I look for a mate. It is not that easy. Other male cats are aggressive. It is a jungle out there.    

From a Cat's Eye

Gottesanbeterin - I saw the same from the bedroom's window. Mel, upon seeing my  stunned and  frightened look, rushed to me and  saw  this creature. It is not a grasshopper but it looks like one.

I can be angry, too!

"What??? Avoid negative emotions? Not now, please!"

I see you....

I see you... Mel's favorite phrase when she talks with me. Long before Avatar! I remember the day she watched the movie and complained: "It is my is my dare them use it without my permission!"

I see you...ich siehe Dich...yes, the very same words she utters everytime she greets me.

Nevertheless, I see her, too!      
Doing nothing is an art of living. Enjoying the same is a part of a good life. 

Miezekatze's Neutral Zone

This is my house. 

Sleeping Is My Hobby!

1095 days had passed - that is 26,280.00 hours - and 17,520.00 of hours I spent sleeping and I  enjoyed every second of my sleeping moments! Mel - on the otherhand, has difficulty sleeping and she is thankful when she can sleep continuously for six (6) hours a day. She is always busy, and when she is not, she finds something to make her busy!   

I like my life as a cat!

 Mel treats me with consistent affection and I enjoy her company.

Think of your Karma...

Mel, as you can see her long, curly, hair, is my Filipina "mother",  a  Tibetian  Buddhist,  44  years old,  a German  Registered Nurse, who opted to go back to her home country after working seventeen (17) years in Berlin, Heidelberg and Munich in Germany, and is now living in San Fernando, La Union, Philippines - once said:

Think of your Karma.
And so she brought me  home and  I am happy she did.
If Karma is the concept of action or deed, as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect,
I can say that I have a good Karma.

"Do good things and good things happen" - that is Mel's favorite line.

Friendly faces

Some weeks passed and I gained confidence. My first steps were quite unbalanced and awkward. I often stumbled but I enjoyed walking around. Most of the time I slept but when I was awake, I played.

Suddenly, I was able to clearly see everything around me. I saw friendly faces and they become familiar to me. Their voices, their moves and  they were talking to me.  Soon I realized that I belong to this family.

New Year 2007

It was a sunny day - and a lucky one for me.

I was struggling to come out of a plastic bag, my eyes were still unopened as hands picked me up and said:

"Guck mal, eine Katze!" ("Take a look, it is a cat!")

I was screaming and freightened.

I was thirsty. I was hungry and I was tired.

Soon I felt comforted. I was given milk and a warm box to sleep. I slept most of the time and every time I cried, somebody took care of me.

It felt good.

A few days later, I gained strength and I was not afraid anymore.