Montag, 27. Dezember 2010

Christa's Angel and a very tired Purzel!

Mozart, the "Christmas Cat"

Introducing Mozart... Mel is not yet sure if the cat is a male or a female.

Christa from Munich, one of Mel's bestfriends, sent the latter a book entitled "The Cat Who Came On Christmas Day". What a coincidence! Mozart, the cat who came to Mel on Christmas Day!
Adidas' place is now taken. (We miss you, Adidas! Just come home to us!)

Mozart will be given a second name:  The same name of the cat who came on Christmas Day, according to the book by Cleveland Amory. But that is later. Mel has yet to read the book to discover the name. (Danke, Christa!)

The nine (9) cats - Braunie, Katzenmutti (who is very sick after her Operation), Einstein, Katze, Purzel, Moppel, Hannelore, Bruckner and Verdi, accepted Mozart.

Everything is fine in Eufrosina!

Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010



Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2010

Terribly missing Adidas!

Kackerli, Adidas' nickname, is gone for over seven (7) weeks now. The search continues though. Mel regularly visit the place where Adidas fled. It is a vacant lot full of huge grass. The nearness to the main highway, which noise Adidas will not tolerate, could have driven him away from that place.  

Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2010

Five weeks without Adidas!

Adidas is gone. Mel  is very sad losing an intelligent and lovely cat.

Mel is hoping, one day Adidas will find his home in Eufrosina Heights. He has to cross a river and walk some 16 kilometers from Bauang to San Fernando, La Union.

Freitag, 26. November 2010

Oh, Schreck! Moppel is not pregnant!

Victoria Moppel is just "dick" (fat) and not prgnant. How can HE be?!!

 After some weeks of waiting for new kittens, Mel learned her lesson on how to determine the gender of a cat!

Victoria Moppel is a Victor Moppel. His balls grew big and one cannot deny the fact anymore that he is a male cat.

 Sorry, Dozen! No kittens for you. Better luck next time!

Freitag, 12. November 2010

We miss Adidas!

Adidas is still missing. Two weeks ago, he escaped from his cage some hours after his castration at Sanglay Pet Clinic in Bauang. It was reported though, that some people saw a black and white cat roaming around a vacant lot near the Vet's Clinic.

Samstag, 30. Oktober 2010

Shreck! Adidas ist vom Klinik weg! Adidas escapes from the Vet Clinic

Adidas escaped from the Vet Clinic at 2200h yesterday after his castration.

Poor Adidas! Poor service of Sanglay Vet Clinic! Adidas' castration fees will be refunded if they cannot find the cat in two weeks time. The Vet Clinic offered a new cat for replacement but Mel refused the same. The money is not at all important. It is Adidas that matters. He is very hungry and tired by now.

Freitag, 29. Oktober 2010

It's Adidas' turn!

Adidas is brought to the Vet Clinic today. He will be neutered. He will be back home tomorrow.

Samstag, 16. Oktober 2010


This month, we have adopted two (2) cats. One is a young, male kitten, we named after Purzel. (Sadly,Purzel 1 is not coming home anymore since last month). Another one is a pregnant, female cat we call Victoria Moppel.

They just come, slept in the backyard for some days until Mel gave them food and water. Now, they belong to the family of ten (10) cats!

Katze eating together with Victoria Moppel.

Freitag, 10. September 2010

Donnerstag, 2. September 2010

Einstein is neutered!

Alas, Einstein is neutered. The surgery, done on August 31, 2010, went well. He is taking antibiotics and to my surprise, is very cooperative enduring the procedures of his medication.

After two days of sleeping and resting, he now plays with the small kittens but he becomes feisty whenever they hurt him.

Next month, Adidas is going through the same surgery. In October, Braunie.

Sonntag, 15. August 2010


Der Gartenzaun ist fertig! Bald koennen wir draussen spielen! Hier sieht Ihr uns beim Mittagsessen. Schoen Abstand halten!!!

Freitag, 23. Juli 2010


Ja, Frauchen ist ziemlich beschaeftigt. Und zwar mit Politik. Sie jammert immer, dass der neue philippinische President inkompetent ist, und dass er nur Geschaeftsfreunde und die eigene Familie schuetzen will.

Sie sitzt taeglich mehrere Stunden am Tag vor dem Computer und schreibt Kommentare. Sie sagte, "endlich habe ich eine Seite gefunden, wo Filipinos rational und mit dem Logik denken.

Ich muss Frauchen aber loben, dass sie immer noch Zeit findet, um mit ihrem neun (9) Katzen zu spielen. Sie tut uns nicht vernachlaessigen. Ich denke, dass ist die Hauptsache!

Dies ist Katze! Der Koenig und der Boss. LOL

Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2010

Katzenmomente pur!